Sunday, January 5, 2020

15 Benefits to Consider Before Accepting Your Next Job Offer

15 Benefits to Consider Before Accepting Your Next Job Offer In todays fast-paced career culture, work-life balance is everything. When youre looking for a job, you want to make sure that the company will take care of you both in terms of finances and wellness. A salary alone isnt enough to make most people stay at a job. In fact, four out of five employees say that a new benefit like a professional development program is more important than salary.Many companies offer some sort of remote work, sekretariat snacks, or wellness program. But it doesnt have to stop there. Did you know that Google offers three free meals a day for employees, or that Pearson offers meditation rooms to de-stress? When youre interviewing, be sure to ask about any potential fringe benefits. And if youre lucky enough to be deciding between multiple job offers, dont underestimate the power of wellness programs. Remember to think about your long-term health and happiness at the company. A free on-site massage, w hile seemingly small, may be the perk that gives one company a leg up on the others.Curious about the different wellness perks out there? The infographic below outlines the healthiest benefits from 15 companies who are leading the way in employee wellness.Infographic created by

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